Hmmm. So probably no one cares, but I kind of like to do these work out wrap-up posts to keep me accountable to myself (and to have something to point to if I realize that my jeans aren't fitting and can't figure out why!) Since training for and running the Cowtown half marathon last February, I've kept a pretty consistent log of my workouts, minus our first 2 weeks in Spain and the month of August, though I don't always blog it.
So far here in Spain, I've been really happy with my gym. It's more expensive than what we had to pay for L.A. Fitness in Dallas, but it's worth it. It's really nice to work out in a female only environment (except for the trainers), and there's a great schedule of classes that includes Body Pump, which I've been trying to fit in twice a week. Since finally purchasing a swim cap, I've also taken advantage of the indoor pool a couple of times. Before the cooler Fall days arrived, I was going to the gym more. The last couple of weeks
, though, have been so nice that I've favored a run through Retiro, a big nice park only about 1 km from our apartment, over trea
dmill monotony.
Keeping up with a regular exercise schedule over here has been really important to me. It gives me something to do every day, even when I have nothing else on the agenda, and keeps me from sitting in the apartment by myself all day. (Not to mention, it allows me to enjoy our vacations and weekends while still being able to fit in my bridesmaids dress for Anna's wedding come March!) Whether running through the park full of people or taking part in a group class at the gym, it helps make me feel a part of the city and life beyond my apartment. Also, the classes are totally helping me with Spanish! I understand so much more than I did during my first class and have had the occasional opportunity to interact one on one with the instructors.
The entrance to my gym, O2 Wellness Center on Calle de Ramon de la Cruz. |
My favorite straight stretch to run up in Retiro. You can kind of see some of the fall color here. |
And with that, I'm off to the gym for 1:30 yoga class, only my 2nd one in Spain so far! I was actually sore the day after my first time, but the stretching felt so good. I'm hoping it will help rest and stretch my legs before the race on Sunday! Work hard. Play hard. Peace out.