Friday, August 16, 2013

31 Weeks

Whoa! This summer has flown by! Between having family visit Madrid, travelling on our home and a trip back home to the states, the time has gotten away from me. Can’t believe it’s been 5 weeks since the last update! Better late than never, though, I suppose.


How far along? 31 weeks

Due date? October 15, 2013

Weight gain? I’m right on track to gain within the healthy recommended range for my starting weight. However, the number is getting to big to type. Smile Just kidding. But really, I sometimes fall into a trap of comparing myself to other pregos who do similar updates, which is just silly because every body, every baby and every pregnancy is different. I feel good and healthy, and I want to gain whatever my body needs to develop a strong, healthy baby.

Exercise? Lots of walks, though the heat really gets to me, so the earlier the better. (And they’re way better when I was home and had my mom has a walking partner, but I’m still getting out there in Madrid too.) Still keeping with my Body by Trimester videos 2-3 times per week.

Maternity clothes? A mix of maternity and non-maternity tops, dresses and leggings. I’ve upgraded to maternity shorts full-time, though. By the time September/October rolls around, I may resort to a sports bra and leggings full time. I apologize in advance for anyone who has to be seen in public with me. Winking smile

Stretch marks? Not yet (unless Shelby was right and I’m missing something Winking smile ), but my linea nigra is unmistakable. 

Sleep? Still lots of bathroom breaks, turning from side to side, and waking up with a stiff back, but I’m still waking up rested so not too much to complain about.

Best moment this week? Taking a road trip through the North/North West of Spain with Luke. It’s the one area of the country that we hadn’t really seen yet, so we rented a car and just started driving. We didn’t really have any plans or itineraries; we just drove, making plenty of detours and stops along the way, and found a hotel room wherever we ended up for the night. It was nice and relaxing, and the cooler temperatures were amazing! It was rough coming back to the hot concrete streets of Madrid!

Miss anything? Being able to bend over, get up and down, and just move easily and comfortably.

Movement? For sure. This little baby gets my whole tummy moving! There have been a few times that I’ve gotten worried when I feel like I haven’t felt enough movement that day, but it always turns out fine. I think sometimes s/he may just get in a position where I can’t feel things as much or maybe just needs to rest. We all need a lazy day every once in a while, but it sure is hard not to worry.

Food cravings? Cold fruit and water. I don’t know if it’s really a craving, but with these hot temps, I can’t drink enough cold water. And I have a feeling my gelato craving will return when we visit Rome with Luke’s family next week. Smile

Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope. I’ve been so fortunate in this regard the entire pregnancy. 

Other symptoms? Tiny bits of swelling if I’m on my feet in the heat for too long, Braxton Hicks contractions, and just general uncomfortableness most days by the time the evening rolls around.

Have you started to show yet? Yes! It’s hilarious to look back at pictures from weeks ago when I thought my tummy was huge and so obviously pregnant! Ha! If I only knew what was coming! (And I’ll probably say that again in a few weeks.)


Gender prediction? Luke thinks girl these days. He definitely influences me, but I still can’t make up my mind. Either way, we won’t be disappointed! What an exercise in patience this whole process is!

Happy or moody? Happy, happy. 

Looking forward to? Cooler temperatures, making our final baby related purchases (I need to stock up on diapers!), and getting the room (and the rest of the house) in order for baby’s arrival. I’m ready for September!

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