Monday, September 16, 2013

Valencia–July 2013

We thought that Luke was going to have to work the weekend just after my family left to go back home but were pleasantly surprised when we found out Friday evening that he would be free! We lounged around Friday night and had a leisurely Saturday morning before going to walk/run in Retiro. On the walk back, Luke started throwing around the idea of leaving town for the rest of the weekend, and I was immediately onboard. We looked online and tossed around several ideas before deciding to head to Valencia, which was only about an hour high-speed train ride from Madrid. (This is one of the greatest things we’ll miss about living over here. Trains aren’t really an option in Texas, and a one-hour drive wouldn’t get us very far.)

Anyway, this vacation was super relaxing, kind of like a vacation from vacation since we’d been traveling so much the previous two weeks. We ate paella (twice) and laid on the beach before training back to Madrid. Gloriously, we had no plan and didn’t feel like there was anything we had to see or do. We went for the food and the beach, and we succeeded. It was so relaxing that we really didn’t even pull out the camera much, which explains the pitiful pictures below.

Despite the lack of pictures, though, I wanted to record this little trip in case we ever want to go back and count up all the places we were able to visit. (And this one might not make it into the photo book that is slowly but surely coming along.) It was short and sweet, but it still counts!

P7134051Fancy drinks before dinner. (Virgin for moi.) Don’t mind the squinty girl in the background.

P7134056Yummy paella for two.

P7134058We didn’t have a problem finishing it all.

P7134061 Luke at our second paella lunch on the beach. The first paella won. (We were so relaxed about this vacation, Luke ended up with a bright red sunburn. Luckily, it didn’t end up being too bad, but he sure was red faced back at work on Monday. Whoops.)

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